The City of Redding, California, is the Shasta
County Seat. The beautiful Mount Shasta is one of
Northern California's finest All-Season Resorts. Mount Shasta Resort
encompasses all that you could ask for when searching for a place to stay and
National Park
Volcanic National Park is home meadows and wildflowers, clear mountain lakes,
and numerous volcanoes. Lassen Volcanic offers opportunities to discover the
wonder and mysteries of volcanoes and hot water for visitors willing to explore
the undiscovered. Although Lassen is
primarily known for its volcanic geology, the park boasts a rich diversity of
plant and animal life. Over 700 flowering plant species grace the park,
providing shelter and food for 250 vertebrates as well as a host of
invertebrates including insects.
of Redding Civic Center
City of Redding Civic Center sits in the middle of a very nice and clean park.
The park serves broader purposes than neighborhood parks, as briefly described
here, although they share many features. They can accommodate both informal,
unstructured recreation, as well as organized, scheduled uses for many
different age groups. My husband and I walked around the park and I love
it. There are many flowers, sculptures
and granite stones of different shapes.
The people working in the Civic Center are very friendly, helpful and very
Sculpture Park at the City Hall offers the perfect setting for art appreciation
that features permanent collections of work of arts show-casing a variety of
artistic visions.
and Friendship in Flight
Canada Goose and Two Mallard Duck Sculptures are caught as they take to
flight. Mallard Ducks and Canada Geese
are among the best known birds in the world. These 3 flyers are mediators
between the sky and water. Among various cultures they are a symbol of marital
happiness and faithfulness.
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